Friday, December 5, 2008

Pippa Jane Arrives!!

Well, November 29 was my due date...and the day our baby girl decided to make her appearance! Patrick and I decided to take a long walk on the beach that morning, then still feeling antsy we decided to go downtown to do a bit of shopping and have lunch. During lunch I sort of realized I didn't feel all that great..and that maybe the contractions I was having were no longer the braxton-hicks kind. We decided it was prudent to be a bit closer to home if this was "it". This photo is me right when we got home from lunch, about 2:45 in the afternoon...and only about 5 hours from when our daughter was born!!!

Everything happened so fast; once the contractions started they came on strong and close together. Patrick waited about an hour to call our midwives thinking we'd be in for a long day and probably night, but when the first midwife, Alice, arrived around 4:30 I was so far along that instead of all the stuff to help me through labor she got busy setting up for the baby's arrival!

A few short, but intense hours later our baby girl was here!

Pippa Jane Redman

born 11/29/2008 at 7:50pm

7 lbs 1 oz

20.5 inches

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Elizabeth,
Sharon just sent us your blog. Wow, Pippa is beautiful! I didn't know you were using midwives. Good for you -- that had to be awesome. Well, besides the pain . . . Is she a good baby so far? and will you go back to work? I am going to backtrack on the blog 'cause I didn't know you had a fire. Geez! how did you manage all that too? You guys look great as well. Hope all is going great at the holidays for you. Where will you be for Christmas? Has Pippa traveled yet? Congratulations to all of you. Happy Holidays!
Sandi Herzog