Saturday, September 4, 2010

San Jose Sights

Our trip to Costa Rica began with an adventure in San Jose. We had one day here before catching the small plane to Puerto Jimenez and Matapalo, our designated taxi driver didn't arrive to take us to our hotel, so we were left to fend for ourselves amid the gauntlet of aggressive drivers trying to "help". It was intimidating and we were a little wary of being ripped of, but we found a driver and headed to our hotel. We booked a room at the Hotel Don Carlos in the historic district of San Jose. It was a former residence for royalty or heads of state or something and was supposed to be pretty cool. I am not sure if the cab driver got lost or what..but we went through some SCARY areas of the city getting to this place!!
When we finally arrived in one piece, with all of our bags, we were disappointed to say the least. But, after settling in somewhat and exploring the place the hotel began to show it's charm. The rooms are small and old, but there are a lot of cool corridors and outdoor spaces filled with interesting Costa Rican art and some neat fountains. The restaurant was good and the staff super friendly. If you have one night in San Jose I would recommend it....but it is somewhat rough.
The afternoon was super rainy, but we put on our coats and headed out to explore a bit anyway. We definitely stuck out as tourists with our rain coats amid all the Costa Rican's with regular clothes and umbrellas...but we had fun.
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